If you have received damaged or sweets which do not taste right, then please let us know via a support ticket and we can look into this.

We try and pack all sweets carefully so damaged are rare but if you received items which are squashed, broken or damaged in any way please do not throw them any - take a picture and send it to us via support ticket.

We will issue refund for any damaged items.

If your sweets taste a bit funny - again do not throw them away - send us a support ticket and we can see how we can help.

All our sweets have at least 10 months shelf life and we often taste test the sweets (perks of the job) so we will know if there is something not quiet right and these would not get sent in the first place.

If you think the sweets "don't taste like they did when I was a kid" - well sorry but we can not issue refund here, as recipes change over time, as do your taste buds, and we may not get the sweets from the exact same supplier.